Friday, 8 July 2011


Hohoho, it has been 5 days since my holiday started !

And seriously, every time i think of holiday homework, it makes my head want to erupt like volcano ( RRAAWWWRRR!!!) that i'm back after a few weeks of absent, i just realized that GinKagu has 1 vote more than TsunaHaru!!! And of course, not to mention that the poll actually have 57 votes ( thank you ! whoever you are!!).

But maybe because the votes are actually voted by the same person XD (which is not me!).

Few minutes ago, i was wondering should i make a new deviantart account, anyone help with the name:
- K-Noir
- Kuros-Noir

If i decide to make a new account, then i will have to abandone all my old drawings. And you know how hard is it for people to find me again...DX...maybe i just gonna leave the account there with the new link...0_0. HELP!!

Last but not least, I congratulate myself for having 1476 hits ( not much but i'm still very happy )

Thank you for reading ! *winks*

Thursday, 19 May 2011


This one is one of my "assignments" (which means: "I got bullied by my beloved teacher and she actually threaten me to quickly draw and draw and draw and draw...and draw...and....")

LOL! But well, this time she requested me to draw something semi-realistic, and voila! Somehow, i really like how the lips turn out...XD

p/s: Sasa reminds me of a Korean singer XD

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Hiba Haru's TYL Interview

Oh my...this is soooo old...XD

I am absolutely adore of Hibari and Haru...So what if they are not Canon?..I don't give a shit...*shrugs*

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Ginkagu - Lollipop.

Another Ginkagu!!!!!!

Seriously, i actually did a pretty good job in modifying the kimono into this...XD. Next time, i will do a full body version..XDDDD

Friday, 6 May 2011

In need of a good beta

*sigh*....i'm having class right now, and it's so boring.....=_=)

I have been thinking of a story for Tsuna x Haru (because of the vote, but it might change). For the theme, it would be a bit dark and angsty, with a much more mature Tsuna - the boss and Haru - the code breaker. Although it's a semi-dark story, it doesn't mean there's going to be mature themes, but you can expect lovely vocabulary from a certain someone...XD.

As for the title, i would like to see some suggestion (but i already have one). And also, if YOU are interested in betaing my doujin, just email me thru this:

I'm suck at saying deep and thoughtful stuff, and of course, i also want to deliver a good doujin to the readers. Don't be shy !!!