Friday, 29 April 2011

桜雨 - Sakura Ame

 Hohoho...another Ginkagu fanart!!!

Hehe, this is my first time posting kissu kissu scene...XD

Hope ya all don't mind!

Thursday, 28 April 2011

银神最高!!! ( GinxKagu 4EVER!!! )

GinKagu from Gintama is my favourite pairing of all time, you guys should read their doujinshis and see their Japanese fanarts (so touching and cute)

Ahem, i don't care about the age difference.
(Come-on, people!! Kagura looks 15, Gin looks 23! Only 8 years apart! That's not much!!)

Saturday, 23 April 2011

Just Black

This time is an original drawing.

Well...i know i know, the neck is inhumanly long (i tried to fix it but i can't!!! I deleted the SAI file..DX)

*sigh* Even though i said "I'm going to make a doujinshi", i just can't think of a plot DX. I had read lots of doujinshi, espacially Gintama's (not Yaoi), and i found it very meaningful and deep. And for the love of my life, i can't even think of anything deep to write or even draw...DX


To anyone who are reading this, can you think of a good story (deep and meaningful) and help me? OF course i will credit you in as well...XD

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Persona 3 - Destiny

Persona 3 - Destiny
Has anyone finished playing Persona 3?

 Well, i haven't. The game is indeed interesting, but curiosity kills a cat - i happened to ruin the whole ending myself....DX.

I have never play Persona 3 ( Playstation) before, but i'm sure that i prefer P3P ( PSPortable) much better, because it allows players to play as the female version protagonist - completed with a slightly different storyline and a bubbly personality which allows you to build on social links much more easier compare to the quiet and cool male protagonist.

And the most important thing is: you are able to date with all the guys in the game (hell, even with an elementary kid! Does that make me a pedophile??)


Overall, Persona is a good game. I'm looking foward to another Persona Portable from Atlus, maybe P4P? But really, there are heap of girls in there (the protagonist is such a pimp.) with only a guy or two (not to mention "not-really-good looking" type). Atlus should create more male characters in there if they plan to release P4P!

Hell yeah, they really should.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Haru x Chrome - Hanazaraki

Haru x Chrome - Hanazakari
Another update of my favorite Reborn!girls - Haru and Chrome!!!

For some reason i dont know, i thought these two could make a pair of very best friends..XD (and Mafia Wife, but Haru is for Tsuna only!!)

Haru's flower is Fuchsia, i chose it because of a fanfic that i read, it's called Fuchsia by Alcedines [link] (it's M-rated).

And Chrome's flower is Lotus (it's obvious)


Seriously, Reborn!girls (especially Haru *love*) need MOAR LOVE!!!!

Maybe the "doujinshi operation" would be commence sooner than i expected...XDD

Monday, 18 April 2011

Tsuna x Giotto

This meant to be a simple sketch, but then i did some experiment with colors and TADA! (Tsuna's hair is soo glossyyy~~~!!!)

Who do you prefer? TYL!Tsuna or Giotto? (They are the same actually, i just saturated it..XD)

Monday, 11 April 2011

Tsuna x Basil

Tsuna x Basil
Ah...memory....I did this drawing last year Sep 2010, after i got my tablet

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Out Of Blue

Out Of Blue - Gintoki Sakata
I did this drawing last year.

Gotta post all my old drawings before I stab myself with doujinshis...XD

Wednesday, 6 April 2011



*sigh* Even though these are old drawings, I'm just too lazy to upload all of them on here regularly...DX

Saturday, 2 April 2011


Akatsuki! Itachi version

I was listening to Naruto Shippuden first OP song "Hero's Come Back"...Seriously, it was EPIC! and full of inspiration!

Feathers = fail...